Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Puttin' the Pieces Together

Ever bought a puzzle at a yard sale? I'd advise against this, by the way. So, for a quarter, you take it home and start putting it together and as you find the placement for more and more of the pieces, the picture starts coming together for you. Well, that's how I'm starting to feel about my diagnosis. I'm beginning to understand it alot more. There are still some missing pieces, and I know there will always be missing pieces..........just like that yard sale puzzle that always seems to be missing a few key pieces.

I want to thank my friends (you know who your are....wish I did.....but I have my suspicions)that have arranged for me to have someone come in to clean my house every other week. I am so thrilled about this, and so relieved.......and I don't know what else to say, but, thank you.

I noticed I have a couple of open slots in my schedule over the next few days, so I'm getting on the phone to fill those now with a couple more appointments.....need to strengthen my Posse. Then I'll head over to the hospital to have some blood drawn and get some xrays in preparation for the chemo. Hopefully, I can be home by lunch time and get some real estate work done this afternoon.

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