Wednesday, June 29, 2011

May I Have Another?

Time for an update, right? It's been a while, I know. I've been busy trying to get my real estate business back on track and it's taking a TON of energy. There are a bunch of things running through my head pertaining to the current state of our economy, but my sarcastic ways would just be too much. So, instead, I'll focus those thoughts on an update about my personal Chernobal disaster. I've been asked alot lately about how it feels and how I'm doing. I've also had some refer to it as a really bad sunburn. My thoughts on the sunburn theory are "Not so much, unless you are habitating on the sun". Instead, I liken it to having someone pour gasoline on me and then light me on fire. Of course, directly after this, the gasoline toting fire dudette asks me if she can do it again. Being the brainiac I am, I answer, "of course, what time would you like me to be there?".
Anyway, after taking a break from radiation on Thursday and Friday of last week, I went in for a check on Monday. I didn't even have to persuade the doc to give me a break this time. He wrapped it for me and told me to go take a couple more days off. So, today I go back in. I can't imagine taking anymore radiation, but what the heck do I know. The skin is completely gone in a hand size area. It needs air, but if I don't keep it covered, my clothes stick to the area. I've had to use pain killers to sleep at night. I know this will be over soon, but it's not soon enough for me. As 3pm approaches today, I know my anxiety level will be increasing too. I think I'm definitely ready to accept the consequences of not finishing these last 6-7 boosts..........

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